Succeed with your platform business model

Transform Your Business:

From 5000 NOK to 100 NOK SAC with Our Proven Strategy

Unlock the secret to dramatically slashing Customer Acquisition Costs. As consultants, we've guided clients from asset-heavy models to dynamic, platform-driven success. Read more here

Explore our breakthrough approach, and let's achieve remarkable results together.

Some of our platform b. services

  • Platform profitability = Stop bypassing

    If your business is about facilitation and matching one or several parties, bypassing is a significant risk. However, when a platform's users complete transactions outside of your platform, there are always ways to stop this leakage with strategic and technical measures.

  • Platform sales = Network effects

    The platform business model's best feature is that sales cost (SAC) will fall when you manage to build and harness network effects. We help you drive sales with falling SAC by identifying, build, and manage network effects on your platform.

  • Platform business model?

    Is your business offering a digital solution in a line business manner? Can you open up one side to third-party suppliers? Could you facilitate the use of a third party's assets? Then you should go ALL-IN for the powerful platform business model. Platform b. can help you!

We support sustainability

Get a 20 % discount if your platform contribue to our sustainability goals.

What is a platform?


The platform business model is when a company is enabling value-creating interactions between external producers and consumers. The platform offers an open multilateral digital infrastructure for these interactions and acts as an ecosystem's orchestrator.

A platform is a shared set of technology components, services, and architecture, and relationships that constitute a collective foundation (platform) for multiple groups of actors and roles to co-create value, typically involving a network of manufacturers, suppliers, and customers.

Contact us.

We are all about platforms and how they work. And offer knowledge and services that address specific well know challenges for platform owners.

We are here to help!